Tag Archives: Sainte Foy

Day 36-September 21- Lourdes

We wake up in St Jean this morning early and have our last pilgrim breakfast before saying goodbye to St Jean pied de port ( st Jean foot of the pass). Some of our pilgrim friends are ending here like us, some others are walking on to Santiago. We said good bye to those walking […]

What I learned on the Camino!

In medical school the power of prayer or the role of God in healing disease was never mentioned and “God Forbid” if it was ever brought up! Medicine is science and god has nothing to do with healing! In addition our politically correct society, not only doctors but also the public are afraid of mentioning […]

Day 32- Sept 17- Maslacq 656 gone. 82 to go

We had a great dinner at a table with about 30 pilgrims tonight. Lots of stories. Lots of laughters. Lots of complaints about the weather. The mud. Somebody asks what’s the weather like tomorrow, can somebody check their phone. A funny pilgrim answered: rain, fog, snow, cold. That’s just about sums it up. We all […]

Day 31- Sept 16th- Larreule 109 to go

The dinner at the gite was the best ever. May be we were too hungry. First the vegetable soup came out. All vegetable with herb, steamy hot for a very cold autumn evening. The aroma filled up the dining room with such a warm and wonderful smell of home cooking. Leek, potatoes, carrot, beans, herbs, […]